2025 Program Details
Each student who applies will be interviewed by Sean Wetmore, the coach who will take the students through the program. The class will be finalized in early spring, and will be limited in size, so please get applications in as early as possible.
Each student will take several career aptitude tests to get a general sense of his or her interests, and will be assigned to one of the weekly coaching sessions.
The program consists of 3 parts: the daily presentations from professionals representing a wide variety of career paths from late May to mid-July (click here for information about the 2024 presentations); the weekly coaching sessions; and coffees with participating presenters that the students choose, to help them begin developing a network in the career paths they are most interested in after the presentations.
- What are the goals of the Introships program?
The primary goal of the program is to introduce college students to a range of different career options so that they can start to figure out what interests them- then they can choose classes, majors, and internship opportunities accordingly. By the end of the program students should have a sense of what industry segments (e.g., tech, finance, retail) and functional roles (e.g., sales, marketing, software development) appeal to them.
Another important goal is to give students the beginnings of a professional network in their areas of interest, which they can leverage to get internships the following summer.
- Who should take part in the program, and who shouldn’t?
The program is best for people who don’t have a strong sense of what their career interests are, but are motivated to spend time and effort finding out. It’s not as good for people who are sure what they want to do, or are not willing to put in some work to sort through the various options.
- What kinds of companies and presenters will I meet? What do the presenters talk about?
The presenters represent a wide variety of career paths, from private equity and investment banking to marketing, real estate, tech, consulting, entrepreneurship, retail and non-profits. The presenters are doing this because they want to give back by passing along what they have learned. Some have had 40 year careers and some are just starting out. We ask them to talk about their company and their industry, but also their career path and what they wished they had known when they were in college.
- What is the time commitment? Can I do other things during the summer, like have a job or take classes?
There will be one hour presentations every weekday from May 19 to July 11 (at 5:30 PM M-Th and 9AM Friday), and a one hour small group coaching session every week after one of the presentations. There are presenter "office hours" sessions during the weeks of July 14 and July 21 for students to dig deeper into their areas of interest. So the time commitment is limited and generally not during work hours- many students have jobs or take classes and do Introships.
- What do I need to do to get the most out of the program?
As with most things, you will get out of the program what you put in. If you look at the presenting companies’ website and presenters’ LinkedIn pages before the sessions, they will make more sense and you’ll ask better questions- and if everyone does that the sessions will be exponentially better. Reach out to the other students and get to know them- they are on the same journey as you, and can be a great help. Finally, engage with the presenters before and after the sessions. If they didn’t want that, they wouldn’t be doing the program. The networking piece is there for the taking, but you will need to be proactive to make it happen.